Making medical decisions is unfortunately something many take for granted. However, there may come a time when you are unable to make these important decisions, and it can be a very upsetting and helpless feeling. As such, taking control of the care you receive is critical which is why it’s imperative to create an advanced healthcare directive. If you’re not sure what this is or if you really need one, you’ll want to keep reading to learn why this is crucial. You’ll also learn how a Nassau County estate planning lawyer can assist you in creating one to ensure it reflects your wishes.
Why Is Creating an Advanced Healthcare Directive Important?
In the event you become incapacitated or cannot communicate your wishes, like falling into a coma or suffering a degenerative brain disease, your doctors will look to others to make decisions regarding your healthcare. Typically, they must locate your legal next-of-kin. Depending on your circumstances, this means an estranged family member you may not have spoken to in years could be legally in charge of dictating the care you receive. However, if you take the time to create an advanced healthcare directive, you have the right to take these matters into your own hands. You can predetermine what care you would like to receive in certain events and appoint someone to make decisions about your healthcare for you.
What Is Included in These Documents?
Your advanced healthcare directive is typically composed of a living will and a healthcare surrogate. A living will is a document that allows you to dictate what kind of medical care you would like in the event you become incapacitated or otherwise unable to communicate your wishes. You will answer several questions regarding the kind of care you would or would not like. For example, you can note that you would like life-saving measures to be taken or request a DNR order (Do Not Resuscitate). You can also explain your wishes regarding matters like organ donation in the event you pass away.
In conjunction with a living will, your advanced healthcare directive also allows you to appoint a healthcare surrogate. This person is responsible for understanding your wishes and making medical decisions on your behalf. If any matters arise that are not covered in your living will, your healthcare surrogate will be legally responsible for making the decision based on the wishes you’ve previously expressed. Additionally, they will advocate for the care you want.
As you can see, taking your healthcare into your own hands is something that you should not take for granted. Though you may not see the need to create an advanced healthcare directive based on your current age or health, it’s an unfortunate reality that nothing in life is guaranteed. As such, you should not delay this process further.
If you are ready to create a plan for your healthcare, the team at Barrows Levy PLLC can help. We understand how complex these matters can be, which is why our firm will walk you through your options to ensure your wishes are honored. Connect with us today to learn how we can help you.